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Scholarship Statement

My scholarship centers on the intersection of digital composition and writing programs, especially in regards to pedagogical approaches to teaching writing. Please review my in-depth scholarship statement and trajectory by clicking here.

Recent Publications

I believe in the power of collaborative writing, and my two most recent pieces are coauthor-ed works on writing center theory, one in The Learning Assistance Review, and the other in Praxis: An International Writing Center Journal. I have a book review forthcoming in WCJ: Writing Center Journal.


I am very proud of my publication record, particularly my 2017 piece in College Composition in Communication, "How Rhetoric and Composition Described and Defined New Media at the Start of the Twenty-First Century" and my 2015 piece in Computers and Composition, “Speaking of Composing (Frameworks): New Media Discussions, 2000-2010.” I also have pieces published in the Journal of Literacy and Technology and the Dangling Modifier.


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